67 SiLA Products
and growing!
The PHERAstar® FSX is the gold standard microplate reader for high-throughput screening, combining the best sensitivity with fast read times. The PHERAstar FSX is a filter-based multi-mode reader with the following detection modes: absorbance, fluorescence intensity (incl. FRET), fluorescence polarisation,...Continue reading
Put reliability and speed to your thermal stability tests of formulations. The LabFreezer device offers major advantages in stability testing with a total temperature range between 120° Celsius and -80° Celsius and cool-down rates of -5° Celsius per minute down...Continue reading
AIM Scheduling Framework
apartis has nearly two decades’ experience designing and developing custom commercial system software for laboratory automation systems. Many of these systems require software scheduling functionality and business logic to juggle flexible workflow definition and optimization of a myriad of laboratory...Continue reading
SiLAConverter v2
Do you want to add/sell a SiLA interface to your existing device, perhaps to test the market first before fully integrating SiLA within your product? Surely charging for a piece of hardware is an “easier sell” than charging for yet...Continue reading
SPICE (SiLA Provider Implementation Community Equipment)
Do you want to sell a user-friendly device with a SiLA interface, such that the end user doesn’t have to install additional software (like a driver) just to connect the device to the network and start using it? Do you...Continue reading
On-Deck-Thermal-Cycler ODTC(R) 96/384
inheco offers their On-Deck-Thermal-Cycler as an easily integrated, SiLA-compliant device for your thermal cycling, heating, and cooling needs. Product data sheet is attached. Benefits include: Dedicated on-deck cycler Top thermal performance Very fast runs Horizontal lid movement Ultra-compact design VCM(R)...Continue reading
a4S Automatic Heat Sealer
Our new a4S Automatic Heat Sealer provides a number of breakthrough advantages: – First fully electronic heat sealer, no need for pressurized air supply – SiLA compatible drivers, plug-and-play robotic integration possible – Unrivalled sealing performance and consistency – Unrivalled...Continue reading
SOFIA – OpenSource SiLA Consumer
SOFIA is an open source, cross-platform project that was developed as a proof-of-concept for the SiLA core principles: the “Lab of the Future”, a rapid innovation ecosystem connecting devices and people, and exchanging knowledge. SOFIA facilitates the future open source...Continue reading
SiLA Driver Development Kit
SiLA driver development has never been faster and more simple! In only a few hours, even a basic programmer can build a SiLA driver using this easy Driver Development Wizard. Simply choose the SiLA device class, copy and paste the...Continue reading