Automation, digitization and device networking are trends that cover all industries and have become indispensable in our everyday lives. The Laboratory of the Future is also shaped by these trends and holds major challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
When talking about The Laboratory of the Future, one often thinks of data. Easier generation, better use, and more efficient data management play a significant role. Without an easily accessible database and an optimal data flow between systems, modern data analysis, machine learning and methods of artificial intelligence cannot be realized.
You would like to know how data exchange in The Laboratory of the Future might look like? Or are you interested in designing more efficient data management?
Then join the workshop with integrated hackathon on 04. July 2019 in Konstanz.
Time: 09:30 – 16:30 / Costs: free entry
Place: The Plant Konstanz, Gebäude „12 in The Plant“, Byk-Gulden-Str. 2, Konstanz, 78467 Deutschland
BioLAGO organizes the event, together with SiLA and AnIML, as part of the “Labor 4.0” project. The aim of the event is to support and facilitate exchanges between users of SME laboratories and IT automation solution providers on data exchange and management, interfaces and multi-vendor device control.
For non-technical laboratory workers: this is an ideal opportunity to learn more about how standards can help you in the lab and make your daily work easier. After the presentations you can deepen the topics in workshops and exchange ideas. The agenda for the workshops can be found here (Vorträge & Workshop).
For technical staff: those interested in engineering can actively participate in the development of the standard hackathon, try out SiLA and AnIML-enhanced devices, talk to our technical experts, and more. More information on the process can be found here (Hackathon).
Do not miss the BioLAGO joint hackathon workshop with SiLA and AnIML. Secure your place today by registering via the online registration form.