For the first time the SLAS2021 will take place digital only and we are delighted to give you a first glance at our virtual SiLA booth.
Our SiLA Directors, Dr. Patrick Courtney, Thomas Frech, Daniel Juchli and Oliver Peter will be available by live video chat! They look forward to connnect with you online and inform you about the latest happenings and technical developments. Or give you a general overview of what SiLA stands for and how your business can benefit from becoming a member of the Consortium.
You do not have a ticket yet? Seize the chance and win of one of the 5 free full access tickets SiLA is giving away!
All you need to do is to let us know about your experiences with SiLA and the devices you are using!
We will use the best reports to do an application note which we will promote during the exhibition as well as on our website! Send us your entry about 300 words and be the lucky winner of one of the free full access badges!