Join our talk concerning SiLA 2 on the MIPTEC event.
SiLA enables the Lab of the Future through free and open systems communication and data standards. Whether you are a scientist, an integrator, or a supplier, we help future-proof labs, offering end-to-end integration by connecting instruments to informatics systems, lab systems to each other, and people with their data.
SiLA has been around since 2008 and there are many implementations in the field. To drive further adoption, the SiLA organization decided to work on the next version, SiLA 2 with the aim of delivering a simpler and cleaner framework. The result is an improved standard that combines what we’ve learnt so far along with the many concepts and ideas surrounding proven and emerging internet standards, IoT and web technologies.
This talk will provide an overview of the standard, how we envisage it will be used in practise and the benefits that SiLA2 offers.
Date: Wednesday 12th September
Time: 2.20 – 2.40 pm
Where: MipTec Basel