Dear SiLA friends and members
The October’s issue of the “The SiLA Connection” newsletter is now available for download.
This time we have lots of great news to share with you. Feature articles include:
- SiLA 2 officially released!
- Ready for a SiLA 2 training?
- Review of SiLA Hackathon #17 in Wiesbaden, September 20th
- SiLA Conference – “closed loop” workshop at Idorsia, September 24th
- Simplify the Lab : How the next generation of robotics will help you in the lab
- Register now for Hackathon #18 in Liverpool, UK – November 7th
- BSSN Software joins Merck/MilliporeSigma
- SiLA present at SLAS 2020 in San Diego
- Follow us on youtube!
We hope you enjoy the news and information it contains.
Best regards,
Your SiLA Management Team